Artikelen door Marlous

Pixels and naysayers

As you can see, I’m into pixelating things at the moment. I love those bright coloured blocks! (And really, the ugliest picture becomes beautiful when pixelated ;-)) Before I go, I wanted to share these funny and striking words by Jonathan Adler (I love that guy) about dream-crushing “naysayers”. I’m blessed to not have crossed […]

Misty eyes

Instead of working on the tutorial that comes with the trophy head craft kit, I lingered on the fabulous Pugly Pixel blog (which doesn’t need much introduction really). Since I’m a self-taught woman (too impatient and too pigheaded for schools, haha…but it’s true), I love Katrina’s great and clear step-by-step tutorials for Photoshop (for instance). […]


I buy a lot of my books at second hand stores for less than nothing because I feel it’s silly to pay quite some euros for one new book, when you can get about 40 second hand books for that same amount of money. I also return a lot of those books to thriftshops again, […]

A few of my favourite things

Let me be very clear about the fact that I think reclycling is a great, great thing. But to be honest, thrifting has become way too popular for my taste. Last week I found out that one of the thriftshops I regularly visit is on Twitter and Facebook (for crying out loud). And that they […]

A bell pull tablerunner

Remember this post? One of you guys suggested to use my thrifted bell pulls as a tablerunner and I really liked that idea! It worked out nice, don’t you think? I also bought transparent tablecloth to cover (and protect) them, but it made the table look like it wore a condom. So now I only […]