Artikelen door Marlous


Like every other day, I’m working on the magazine(which will be launched at the 22nd of September!) But…how can I ever get my work done when one of my collegues keeps attacking it? I had to use my secret weapon to distract her: catmilk. (Then again, it was way past 4 PM catmilktime.Creature of habit […]

Antwerpen, ik zie u graag

Antwerp is still in my top 3 of favourite cities ever. Over the years she proudly shared this top position with San Francisco, New York, London, Washington and Sevilla…but she’s the only one that never left her spot after some other big city came along and stole my heart. In other words, we just got […]

Higher living

The English understand very well what kind of packages make a girl’s heart jump with joy. Even if I knew this tea would taste like sewer (which it doesn’t!) I would buy it. I mean, the birds have little hats on…cheeky basterds! Kijk, de Engelsen begrijpen hoe marketing voor mijn doelgroep werkt: van een mooie […]


When I walked into the kitchen this morning, wondering what to blog about this day, I noticed this sweet stillife on the kitchentop. My Love baked some cake for his collegues (he’s just that kind) and left me a piece. (I always joke about how I want to be a collegue of him when he […]

Count your blessings

A great weekend away with my dear family in Limburg, a province in the south of Netherlands. The area is known for it’s fields of roses, they filled the air with their great smell. Barbecuing and eating at a long table surrounded by my loved ones…there’s no better way to spend a weekend. Since the […]