Artikelen door Marlous

Noye’s fludde

This little ark makes me smile. I thrifted it on our trip to Antwerp. The giraffes are actually two rulers, the elephant a tape measure, the hatch on the side holds the tiniest stapler ever and I even had a roll of tape that matched the steering wheel. Now, isn’t that cute! I’ve started blogging […]

Vintage Barbie

Barbie: “Movie stars! Rodeo drive! Disneyland! Malibu! Freeways! I want to see it al!” Poodle: “Right now I’d just like to see a palm tree!” These ‘fabulous postcards in dreamy color’ with Nostalgic Barbies are hysterical. Deze ‘geweldige ansichtkaarten in pastelkleuren’ met vintage Barbies zijn té grappig.

Bjorn Wiinblad

Me and Bjorn Wiinblad go back a long time. Not that I ever met the man (which is a shame ;-)). One of his seasons plates hung above my grandparents’ fireplace and as a child, the design struck me as a little peculiar. But, as always, over the years I became to appreciate the cartoon-y […]


Along with the poster stop, there was a lighting stop in our home too. But this one was on our wishlist for ages. It’s the Cherry Blossom designed by TseTse for Habitat and at last we bought it during our trip to Antwerp last month. Samen met de poster-stop die gold in ons huishouden, […]

Aaah, my eyes! my eyes!

I am so sorry for hurting your eyes like this. My camera went bezerk when I shot these pictures, I feel a terrible headache coming up, but believe me, this Bon Matin poster is very beautiful in real life. It also comes with 3D glasses, to make the whole experience less headache-y and way, way […]