Artikelen door Marlous

The Electric Psychedelic Pussycat Swingers Club

A Tartan pattern on a flowered kelim. I like wild combinations, but our livingroom is starting to look like Austin Powers’ Electric Psychedelic Pussycat Swingers Club. (Not that we’re swingers or something, no carkey exchanging parties for us, thank you very much, hahaha.) I bought the stool at Hema, who recently presented their beautiful new […]

Hello Roybot, do you want some batteries?

We bought this cute guy at the Tweelink stand at the Woonbeurs last week.We called him Roy. I’m recovering from the busiest workweeks since I started my business in January this year. This week everything goes back to normal, which is nice, to be honest.Back next Tuesday, have a great Sunday dears! We kochten deze […]

Welcome to my crib!

This übercute little factory is designed by the great people of Kek Amsterdam. It’s called ‘Kattenpandje’ (‘Little Cat Building’) and our little Snorkmaiden a.k.a. Molly immediately moved into it. It gives her shelter but also gives her the opportunity to keep an eye on everything that happens around her through the little windows on the […]

Happy corners

 Beautiful flowers from the launch. My new Donna Wilson vase and a Shaun the Sheep wind-up toy that makes me smile (Molly is terrified of it, so we stopped winding it (and her) up :-D Crocheted bunting made by Petra as a present for the launch. The house on the picture was the home of […]

Launch at LE:EN

In this beautiful place in Utrecht I launched Oh Marie! yesterday. There wasn’t a better place to hold this party, with it’s spectacular murals, cosy lounge-corners, birds (!) wallpaper and whimsical decorations. The Oh Marie! party took place in a beautiful seperate corner of the restaurant where we enjoyed the great atmosphere and delicious food. […]