Artikelen door Marlous

Christmas Ahead!

Ages ago, one could collect these cute Dick Bruna character Christmas ornaments, via a Dutch book chain. Every year, I tried to mount them somewhere in our home, but I was never satisfied with the result. But when I bought this pink, fake (duh :-)) Christmas tree at Hema, I finally found the perfect place […]

Viva Frida!

My dear friend Erika launched her new Viva Frida collection recently. When we met up for lunch last week, she gave us all a beautiful little item from her new collection, just because she’s the kind person that she is. I love my handmade, beautifully designed tissue holder and I decided to make a Frida […]

The redecorated workroom

O how I love my new workroom! You know, before I changed it, the room bugged me a little. Especially the huge cupboard that was in front of the yellow wall. The wood of that cupboard was yellowish too, so every picture I took in that corner turned out yellow. I like yellow, but not […]

So-called chaos

Today I have tried to turn this chaos into something neat. I’m well aware of the fact that a lot of people wouldn’t even call this a chaos, but I’m not very good at rooms where things aren’t in place. In fact, in a perfect world, I would have a house where everything would be […]


This title would suggest I hadn’t had the time of my life the last couple of days.Au contraire my friends.Yesterday we launched the next issue of Oh Marie!that you can read here and that’s read 1.700 times already.And today I hosted a workshop at Lisa’s lovely shop.Where I helped eleven ladies to make their own […]