Artikelen door Marlous

My reading pile

A tad later than planned, I’m back to blogging. Next time when I’m taking a while off, I need to remember that time off also probably means getting the flu and not being able to do anything besides hanging on the couch and watching telly. But hey, better having the flu during a time-off than […]

Best wishes..

Happy new year to you all, dear readers!(Fab portrait made by Swantje) Gelukkig nieuw jaar lieve allemaal!(Het geweldige portret is gemaakt door Swantje)


A year has passed already since I lost my job and started to work on this dream of mine: being my own boss and having my own business. Man, time flies when you’re busy (or having fun..or better yet: both!). There’s still a long road ahead of me, so much to learn, so many struggles […]

My Jonathan Adler ripoff

I found this birdy during a trip around some thriftshops I made with Phil last week. It kind of reminds me of Jonathan Adler’s designs and therefore I call it my Jonathan Adler ripoff bird. Jonathan Adler is a bit of a role model to me, since he’s a selfmade man, because he has a […]