Artikelen door Marlous


When my Love and I spend our weekend together we love to bake or cook nice things, especially when it’s cold outside. I’m not a kitchen-princess (I proudly admit it), but once in a while I love to try out a new recipe, as long as it’s not a too difficult one (you know, one […]

A thriftfind fairytale

It was the 31st of December and we went on a short thrift adventure to one of my favourite thriftshops. I didn’t find anything. Except this vintage Giotto Stoppino Kartell magazine holder in mint condition. Does this story sound like a fairytale to you? Of course it does. And it would have been a real […]

Hot cocoa and bikinis

“It was an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini.” It happens ever so often: I see or read something and a matching song pops into my head. This time the combination is most improbable: hot cocoa and bikinis. In January…! “It was an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini.” Ik heb […]

Happiness is (still) a roll of tape

Fabulous Hema did it again: these new cute tapes come from their great colourful new collection. Of course, it’s not as fabulous 100% non-sticky as the real McCoy, but I’m not the winy kind of girl! Hema heeft het weer geflikt: deze rolletjes tape komen uit hun nieuwe, fijn gekleurde nieuwe collectie. Het is net […]

Post-Christmas-decor to chase away the blues

It’s amazing how this whole blogging thing brought such amazing people in my life. People who e-mail me with tips, new ideas or just to chat. I’m not a very quick responder (I often compare e-mail with a seven headed dragon, once you’ve cut one head off, three heads grow back) but I very much […]