Artikelen door Marlous


Al mijn posts lijken deze week over kringloop vondsten te gaan. Ik kan het niet helpen, het is nu eenmaal mijn meest favoriete onderwerp en hetgeen waar ik uren over kan praten. Wees dus vooral blij dat je niet met mij samenwoont, haha! Deze vaas is vintage, maar komt met een geweldig gouden detail, behoorlijk […]

A grand cover

Those who’ve read the latest issue of Oh Marie! already know this Dazzle Painted Masai: it’s the on cover of that issue. One of the many things I love about making the magazine is the amazing people I have the pleasure working with. I met Ellen (the talented lady who drew this image) at the […]


As much as I would have liked this post to be the announcement of our next holiday destination, it isn’t. On the other hand, a trip to a second hand shop is extremely relaxing to me, maybe (er…absolutely certain!) way more stress-reducing than a 24-hour plane flight or car ride to a destination somewhere on […]

Traditional costume on Sunday

I thrifted these awesome traditional costume egg-cosies recently and they absolutely crack me up. The list of crazy-product-factories gets longer and longer: after a plastic swan planter factory and a cardboard cat factory, apparently there were once factories in this world that produced traditional costume egg-cozies. Life is getting better and better! Ik vond deze […]


Elderflower, such a gorgeous word (I collect cool words, did you know?). My father-in-law is quite the experimental type (with food, he’s no mad scientist or something) and last Summer he made Elderflower juice himself which tasted absolutely fabulous. (I still covet those last bottles he put on ice for a different occasion.) Anyway, last […]