No rest for the wicked

This ever-changing mood of mine made me change my studio last weekend. To be honest, I didn’t like the arrangement of the space that much, so when vacuum cleaning it last week, I felt the urge to change it (what great ideas have popped up during vacuum cleaning!).

Looking at these pictures it strikes me that, despite the effort of trying to make the rooms in our home look calm and clean, like for example Geninne’s tidy and tranquil workspace, they actually look like a rainbow exploded there (my brother-in-law calls it a Happy Chaos (vrolijke bende). However, reorganising every shelf, drawer and cabinet soothed my restless mind a bit and now that’s done I can focus on my latest new obsession: old children’s books.

P.S: I’m playing Craft it Forward and will be giving away five little deer soon! Please read more about Craft it Forward on Kerry’s beautiful blog here! Stay tuned!

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