Yellow treasures

I brought these treasures home from our trip to the U.S.
A bear shaped honeypot (why don’t they sell such cool articles in The Netherlands?) It reminded me of this supercool picture made by (San Francisco based) SFgirlbybay (ow, how I want to be SF based!).
And I actually did some real American thrifting in Las Vegas, there I found the yellow-fishy-shape (heehee) at the background. I think it’s some kind of coaster, but I don’t dare to place a hot kettle on it, ‘cause what if I’m wrong and it starts to melt? Funny thing about the coaster is that it’s made in Denmark, maybe especially for the American market…?
If someone recognizes it, please tell me more about it.
A very busy week ahead: must work on more new stock, open the shop, write a tutorial, blablabla. In short: an almost full-time Planet Fur week ahead of me. How wonderful!
I’ll keep you posted! Bye now!
5 antwoorden
  1. Liefgeval
    Liefgeval zegt:

    Die thee heb ik ook :D!
    Een paar jaar geleden in Engeland vond ik clipper thee bij een supermarkt daar en ik vond alle verpakkingen zo mooi dat ik er superveel van kocht! Gelukkig was de thee ook nog eens heel lekker :D! Deze is ook weer zo mooi :)!


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