Guess how much I love you

With a sugary title like this, you can of course guess the post is about little Molly. She’s sound asleep at my desk in my studio, the only way to shoot a non-moved picture of her.

Many times, I compare her to a little dog, she follows me around the house, never leaves my side and sometimes (ah well, most of the time) I have the feeling she understands exactly what I say to her…and we understand exactly what she wants from us: love. A-Lot-Of-Love. Molly could die of a broken heart if you don’t give her the attention she needs. It gets her through the day ;-)

When my Love and me have a bit of a row, she often starts rolling on the ground between us, showing her soft spotted belly, as if to say: “Instead of shouting at each other, better save that energy for cuddling me!”. It’s no fun fighting when a little hairy monster is claiming all your attention. I think Molly would be the perfect secret weapon in war. Why fight if there’s a sweet litte, flat headed cat that needs attention…all day, every day?

For that reason, and many many more, we love her. From here to the moon..and back.

5 antwoorden
  1. Lallabel
    Lallabel zegt:

    Cuold I say to you that I completely understand your feelings?
    My cat names Stella, she was adopted 8 years ago in the Cristmas period.. sometimes I look at her and think that she was a person a loved in a precedent life…
    I’m serious.. this is the only way to explain our relationship!
    I found your blog thanks to IDA Interior LifeStyle and the Italian CasaFacile!
    kisses from Italy


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