Twitter highlights

Yes, you can find me on Twitter since a couple of days (another virtue of my friend Diana). I actually kinda like it! In this post the highlights (if I may say so myself) I shared on Twitter last week.

Book: Mama weg by Chris Haughton (English title “Little owl lost”)
I bought this book actually, I’m a sucker for stories about sweet tiny creatures (it’s even possible I start to cry when I see the little owl lose his mama, lucky for me childrensbooks generally end happy).

Music: American recordings, Johnny Cash (perfect rythm to work on, the man’s voice is candy for the ears).

Webshop: Jojojanneke Cute cards, stickers, the little owl (again) is my absolute favourite.

Weblog: Imaginative Bloom Not only because Planet Fur is featured there, it’s a treasure chest filled with wonderful shops and websites.

Museum: Sieboldhuis The Dutch Japancentre, for those who devour every shred of information about Japanese culture.

Pictures, top to bottom:
The big wave by
Katsushika Hokusai
Little owl lost by Chris Haughton

2 antwoorden
  1. Floddertje
    Floddertje zegt:

    Hi Marlous, I also started tweeting recently and I enjoy it more than I expected. Consequences are that I don’t make blogposts as often anymore, therefore I really like your idea of showing some Twitterfavourits on your blog. I might do that once in a while as well…

    I still struggle a bit with ‘what to post where’. Often, when I see or buy something new I take a quick pix with my Iphone and post it on twitter and plan to make better pictures for a real blogpost later. But that can take weeks and then I wonder if it is worth the effort since it might be old news anyway for my Twitter followers.

    What are your thoughts about that?

  2. Planet Fur
    Planet Fur zegt:

    Hi Floddertje,
    So nice to share these kind of things and thoughts! I must say, I totally understand your struggle! There are just not enough hours in a day to do everything you want to do, especially when you need to combine a normal job, a shop that needs stock and all the other media to promote your creative space with. I guess the most important thing to do is do the thing you like and not feel pressured by the fact that you have to write a post about your Tweets. The last couple of days I found some lovely websites I liked to share with my readers, but I’m not sure I’ll have the time to find them every week and blog about them as well. Since I already have a job that can be quite demanding, I’ve decided my blog, Twitter and other creative projects may not be…or only in a good way. And in the end, there are so many Tweets, even people on Twitter could miss just that lovely website you’ve Twittered about. The little book I wrote about (mama weg), came out months ago, but I didn’t knew it, so there must be more people who don’t know it. I guess it doesn’t matter how “old” news is for me, as long as it’s new to me, I’m happy to read it! Thanks so much for your comment, tot Twitters/blog ;-) Groetjes, Marlous


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