Etsy birds

After volunteering at a birdrescue centre, my love for these sweet creatures has grown ever since. Luckily enough, the office I work is located at a place where birds thrive (in the middle of grasslands). The swallows for example, build their nests exactly above the place we park our bicycles. You can imagine the look on my face when I discovered baby-swallowpoo on my saddle the other day :-D
So, a bird-themed Etsy selection today. I don’t just love birds, I also love the way these creative people use them as an inspiration for their beautiful work!
Above from left to right:
Handmade Bird Mobile – Aet2002
Origami art, Peace Crane Poster – Fieldtrip
Below from left to right:
Bourgeois Vintage Tropical Bird Planters – BrightWallVintage
Painting, Bird with a pointed hat – BeerLaLa

Have a great weekend!

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