I just got back from Russia

We’ve just returned from a trip to Saint Petersburg, Russia, so I’m gonna annoy you with loads of bizarre stories and futile details the next couple of days. I don’t want to offend anyone, but Russia is a strange country. On the other hand, Russians might take that as a compliment.

First challenge is to get into the country. To make things super-duper exciting for example, our visa arrived the day before we left. First one down, ten to go.

We thought it would be a good idea to take a cab from the airport to our hotel. Not. Good. I think our cabdriver was weary of life, for it felt like we were taking part in a carchase from the movie Ronin. The man drove through the streets of Saint Petersburg with about 74 miles p/h, passing cars left and right, dodging pedestrians and honking to everything and anyone that was in his way. We passed about 10 policemen on our trip and not one of them blinked by the sight of someone pretending he was a starplayer from Need for Speed. O My. He even gave us his businesscard (while driving like a mad man) in case we would need a cab during our stay. Gee, thanks…for nothing!

When we finally made it to our hotel, I kinda looked like the baby on the picture. Gloomy.
And this was just the beginning.

2 antwoorden
  1. Martice
    Martice zegt:

    hej :) gaan jullie nu naar elke stad waar wij zijn geweest ;) wij hebben ge-openbaar-vervoerd vanaf nederland naar rusland en zuruck :) dus weinig last gehad van taxi’s ;)

  2. inaluxe
    inaluxe zegt:

    Oh no – what an amazing trip, and that’s just the start of it. I am looking forward to hearing more about your Russian holiday. Never been there, but it reminds me of Croatia in 1983. That was a long time ago for me, but it so reminded me of my experience – way back then. :) Nice to see you again too – I’ve been flat out, and just catching up on the news now. hugs!!! xo Kristina


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