Succulents and doilies

I’m quite fond of succulents. I am in fact a bit of a plant lover (not to be mistaken for a tree hugger) and I’m the happiest girl on the planet if you let me dig in dirt, preferably in the drizzling rain. Which is strange for a girl who usually washes her hands about 40 times a day and in whose home you could eat from the floor (without getting sick). Psychologists will definitely have an explanation for this behaviour, but that’s not the point of this post.


A while ago, some people gave us succulents in a very very ugly flowerpot as a present (with a risk of sounding ungrateful, but it really was beaten with an ugly stick*). Since I wouldn’t even think of throwing away the biotope in it (and hey, the flowerpot might also look better if I painted it green!), I pulled those out and put them in my lately thrifted bowl, together with some stones I took home from our trip to Denmark. On Pinterest (my latest addiction) I found this great tutorial for a table runner made with vintage doilies. I love that the doilies made by our beloved late-grandmothers are now united in one contemporary piece of home decor.

After all, much better!

*) Must thank mister Austin Powers for that fab line.

7 antwoorden
  1. Anki
    Anki zegt:

    Yeah!! You go girl! Je hebt het wansmaakcadeau gewoon aangepakt totdat het wél mooi was. Goed gedaan toch?

    Nu nog ‘bloempot’ in het frans erop. (grapje… grapje! ;)

  2. All About Us.
    All About Us. zegt:

    i have about 8 different succulents in assorted vintage cups/pots…my favorite is a big cluster in a 70’s style coffee cup which sits on the old school desk which doubles up as my bed side table.


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