Hebbie koop?

When we feel like buying something, here in our home we say: “Hebbie koop?” It’s hard to translate, but when we have “koop” we feel the unstoppable urge to buy something…anything.

In Denmark I had a lot of koop. These are a few of the things I found, from lovely paper from Grenes to cushions and towels from Gronlykke. Sweet Iris (my personal Sweden shopping expert) tipped me to pay Malmö in Sweden a visit too, if only to shop at Lagerhaus. We did, and I went a tiny bit bezerk there, such cool contemporary items for very reasonable prices (okay, that sounded a bit like a pay-off for Big Boy)! And I’ve always wanted to become the owner of a cloud shaped sponge!

I did some thrifting (of course!) too and found some ‘season plaques’ of Bjorn Wiinblad for 3 euros each. So, I’m a very happy girl (which I was already before these finds, I’m not that materialistic) and I think I know where I want to go on vacation next Summer :-)

7 antwoorden
  1. mamutopia
    mamutopia zegt:

    Hmm, ik ga dat hebbie koop hier ook maar eens introduceren, klinkt goed! En dan maar meteen in combinatie met Denemarken :) Anyway, dat ziet er allemaal leuk uit, kan me voorstellen dat je blij bent.

  2. Anki
    Anki zegt:

    Ohhh heerlijk hè, Scandinavisch design? Hou op, schei uit, wat fijn! ;)
    Echt erg dat het allemaal zo mooi is! Wij hebben ook veel last gehad van ‘koop’ daar ja.

    Zien we jou zaterdag ook trouwens, ja toch? :)


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