[Photographing] in Ghent

(The owner of the dog above must have been at the point to call the police ‘cause some strange couple kept staring at his window.)

I love the grandeur and charm of Belgium cities Antwerp and Ghent. We’ve traveled to those cities a hundred times, but they can’t bore me. I love the kind and polite people of Belgium and their gentle Flemish (which makes Dutch sound so loud and pushy, myself very much included since I have the most loud voice on this side of the globe). After this intro it’s kinda needless to explain we stayed there last week for some shopping, strolling and eating. At Zappa in Antwerp I found the most fab red peeptoe shoes that my poor feet can handle and we paid Habitat a visit: look at this To Dribble For tableware by Ella Doran! (For the love of my marriage, Molly and everything else I hold dear I restrained myself from buying it, by the way.)

The weather was kind to us and I accidentally booked a suite instead of a room at the hotel (which turned out to be no more expensive but was twice as much fun!) so for three days we could pretend we had an apartment in Ghent (without a kitchen that is, but who needs a kitchen when he owns an apartment in Ghent?! ;-))

(Renowned wallpaper shop Priem in Ghent, owned by two (in the meanwhile) very old sisters. The last times we visited Ghent they were on holiday leave, but this time we were lucky! When you visit Ghent be sure you don’t miss out on the Priem experience!)

There was, of course, also time for some serious thrifting and I scored an amazing (hopefully working and hopefully not to noisy) cuckoo clock for 9 euros. I just need to ask my Love if he wants to mount it for me (pretty please with sugar on top?) and once that has happened, I’ll show it here!

Soo, that’s what I’ve been up to last couple of days. Now I have to get to the less fun part of a mini-break: tyding up the suitcases. And give Molly some serious TLC, for she has missed us as much I as we missed her (we hope)…!

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