
Little bear is one of the creatures I’ll be adding to the shop when it opens again. I’m very into cute pink cheeks at the moment, so it was no surprise that little bear turned out to be a bit of a blushy guy (or girl? I’m not sure yet!) too. The pattern needs some improvement here and there, but I already like him. I really have to think of a name for him, which is a delicate task, for I don’t want him to carry a silly name for the rest of his life (although a very mainstream name wouldn’t do justice to him either I guess). Nothing came up though (the rainy wetter makes me and my brain extremely slow at the moment). So..if a suitable name pops up in your head right at this moment and you like to share it with us, be our guest! Me and little bear would be eternal grateful if you could help us out!

13 antwoorden
  1. Nicole
    Nicole zegt:

    OOow, hij is echt stoerig schattig! :)
    Ik dacht meteen aan een Scandinavische naam. Bjorn vind ik erg passend en mooi, maar ik las net dat Orsin ook beer betekent. Vind ik ook wel erg leuk. Succes met kiezen!


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