An apple a day give-away

Writing this post reminds me of something that happened at one of my first jobs (I was so young and blue, but back then I felt, so to speak, I possessed wisdom and no one could tell me otherwise). At that office we worked with those old-school little tape-recorders and my job was basically working (read: typing) out what the Suits in the office had recorded. One day, one of my collegues worked on this tape of one very cocky collegue and when she had finished the document she didn’t stop and rewind the tape, but without thinking, she kept the tape running. She could hear this collegue make a phonecall with another office, arguing and negotiating about a case and when he finally hung up, he said to himself (not knowing his recorder was still recording everything he said) “I am SUCH a winnerrrrrrrr!!”. How hilarious is that? Well, we thought it was. (And of course, we subtly let him know we knew…)

But anyways, today there’s a real winner to chose! This time my lovely cousin wasn’t available to help me draw one, so I used this time. Sad thing is, now I don’t have a good excuse anymore to invite my sweet cousin to our home for some good-old winner drawing, I have to think of another solution to make her come over…or do I really sound like some freaky kidnapper now?

The winning number is:

The 17th comment in the commentslist comes from Anki of Zilverblauw
(which is, now I’m writing about it, a gorgeous blog)! 

Congratulations Anki and please send me your address, you can e-mail me at info[at] Thanks so much everyone, for participating and for your kind comments! I like this concept very much, so there will be another give-away in the (near) future. Have a lovely day!

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