Here’s to you, Mrs. Wilbers

Mrs. Wilbers has been a very busy bee. I bought four of her embroideries and that wasn’t even everything she made (I could have taken them all home, but I didn’t have a good reason to take home, for example, a giant Bernadine embroidery ;-))
Makes me wonder why all her hard work ended up in a second-hand store.
Did she had to move to an elderly home?
Did she want to get rid of all the embroideries, because she just wanted to clean up a bit?
Did she pass away and did her family recklessly brought everything she owned to a thriftshop?
And if that would be the reason, why would they do that?
Maybe she wasn’t a very nice mother and once she and her husband died, the children were glad to get rid of her stuff. Or maybe they just didn’t give a thing for all their mother’s hard handmade work.
Maybe she didn’t have family.

I guess I’ll never know.

One thing is for certain: Mrs. Wilbers did love her own handwork. All the embroideries are lovingly framed and marked at the back with her name, along with a number. The number reveals she was kind of a bookkeeper too, why else would you number your embroideries?
And whoever she was, I’m very happy with her embroideries. They will be mounted on a nice place, regularly watched and they will make me smile.
In a way, she will be remembered, so maybe it’s not even such a bad thing her stuff ended up in a thriftshop. At least her work is loved, in this case by me.

This will be my last post for now.
I’m taking a three week break from sewing, thrifting and blogging, to get energy and new inspiration flowing again.
Hope to see you back here then, I can hardly wait!
Take care,

6 antwoorden
  1. Anki
    Anki zegt:

    Gaaf hè, die verhalen achter kringloopvondsten, die je vaak niet kent maar er wel altijd zijn? Veel inspiratie gewenst tijdens en na je break! (gek idee dat onze baby er misschien wel is als je terug bent… misschien ook nog net niet)

  2. MiM
    MiM zegt:

    Wat een leuk stukje… Ik meimer ook vaak bij een naam in een boekje of een oude foto die ik vind. Wie was het en hoe zag het leven eruit. Wat interressant is, is dat ze er mevrouw achterop zet. Impliceert dat het niet voor eigen gebruik was. Dan zou ze haar voornaam erop zetten, toch? Misschien zou ze, als ze in deze tijd jong geweest was, ook een webwinkel begonnen zijn? Fijn weekend! MiM

  3. Lisa
    Lisa zegt:

    Mooi stukje! :) Ik vraag me ook altijd af wie de personen zijn achter mijn rommelmarktvondsten.
    Veel succes/plezier met je ‘pauze’! Ik hoop dat je daarna vol nieuwe inspiratie en energie weer verder kan!

  4. sunny
    sunny zegt:

    I just found your blog via Apartment Therapy! Hope you have a good and restful break from the blog! I’ll use that time to explore your blog’s archives!


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