I always end up with orange

Another corner in our kitchen (which might indicate our kitchen has a lot of corners which isn’t the case to be frank, heehee). One way or another, I always seem to end up with a lot of orange things in my home. I’m no Dutch soccer fan (at all!), I do like our Royal Family, but not so much that I want to honour them by decorating my home with their family colour.

It’s not even my favourite colour (although it matches wonderfully with my alltime favourite green)! What could be the reason why I keep carrying orange things into our home: it matches so well with nice, bold colours like pink, purple, yellow and green.

…Anyway, as long as we’re clear about me not being a Dutch soccer fan, I’m fine with all the orange :-)

Today a terribly sore throat makes me want to curl up on the couch and watch Miss Marple all day. I hate being not well, especially when an ear infection spoiled all the fun a couple of weeks ago already. Luckily, my sweet Plaksels window decal birds arrived today and will be attached to the kitchenwindow to cheer me up a bit (if the husband is in a DIY mood tonight…I myself won’t even try to stick them on the window, big chance that ends in one Big Crying Drama Queen Scene).

I think I’m going to lie down for a bit, bye now!

4 antwoorden
  1. Annabel
    Annabel zegt:

    Beterschap! En je keuken ziet er mooi uit, strak en toch gezellig. Zie ik daar nou een koffiepot van hoeheetzeookalweer staan? Die maakt ook al zulke mooie dingen!


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