A little surprise in our garden

We’re being indulged with days full of sunshine and warmth and blue skies in The Netherlands.
We’ve been spending every spare minute outside, enjoying the sun, the animals that run free through the garden (although Molly had a close encounter with Haas this weekend, they’re almost the same size and Molly didn’t felt very comfortable with a big brown rabbit sniffing her…so she thumped him on his head..without her nails…she’s such a gentle spirit. Haas wasn’t impressed at all though.)
What seemed to be a bit of an insignificant tree in the back of our garden amazes us now with a spectacular pink blossom explosion. I wish it could look like this the whole year through (but then again, it wouldn’t be very special then, would it!)
After the long, cold and dark Winter it’s such a delight to feel the sun burn on your skin again, to see nature flourish, to hear the singing birds…to feel that there’s life everywhere you look, smell and hear.
It’s almost poetry.
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