A kitchen with a view

I am deeply, madly and truly in love with my cupboard. If I would be 13 and it would have a more handable size, I would take it to bed every night. In case of fire, it would be the first thing I would save…along with my Love, Molly and the rabbits…which would be quite an interesting operation.

This is the view I have from the cooking range. I don’t like cooking at all, and to be honest, you can only find me in the kitchen when there’s food to eat or if there needs to be some cleaning to do (especially when the husband has cooked there’s spatters everywhere, even on places outside a 6 feet range).

But I’m often just standing there, staring at the cupboard and it’s contents. Like I’m watching my favourite television show.

So if anyone would ever ask you if it’s possible to be in love with a piece of furniture… it certainly can. And you definitely should not feel ashamed.

So..here’s looking at you kid.

2 antwoorden
  1. li-lisette
    li-lisette zegt:

    what a nice gimp in your life!!! :-)

    I don’t like cooking also… most of the time. Especially when it is late in the afternoon and i am tired and and.. But well husband is not around until dinnertime and children aren’t getting nicer when they are hungry, so i have to.

    (and about the fire escapes: maybe you can manage to fit them all in the cupboard! ;-) ) I can understand your affection totally!!!


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