The first studio shot
Cat is meowing for attention (hard to ignore)
Trying to fight a food ramble that’s lasting for over a day now (cold outside means hungry inside)
Love is still at his work
Need to clean the bathroom
But the only thing I want to do is curl up at the couch and watch Law&Order all night. Eat everything that’s eatable from the fridge. Or listen to Tori Amos and surf the internet. Or make some new items for the shop. Everything but boring housekeeping stuff.
But duty and conscience are calling.
“Get off that lazy bum and do something girl.”
Alright alright then. I’ll leave you with the first shot of my (almost finished) studio. I made the photo at the break of Boxing Day. The sun shined so beautiful through the curtains (look at the wonderful shadow the two mounted heads cast at the right). And I would love to stay and talk about my endless search for a proper whiteboard (ended up at Ikea of course).
But duty is calling. See you soon! xx
What a lovely picture! Law&Order is zo’n beetje de enige politie achtige serie die ik kan waarderen, love it! En het huishouden…tja..buhh..
Super! Heb NU al zin in dat etentje bij jou thuis… Gaan we dinsdag, tijdens onze break met thee en een stroopwafel tussen alle snuffelende bejaarden in de kringloopwinkel afstemmen, okee?
ps: die appelpotjes heb ik ook!
pps: die folder aan de muur ook (nog een stuk of 15 :-))
en nog wel met een fijn (lente) zonnetj! :) veel plezier op je nieuwe plekje