How Winter should look like in my opinion

It’s so funny when you think about it. Everything we can do here in The Netherlands is whine about the cold weather and snow. As though those warm Winters from the past few years where normal. I must admit, I don’t like it either that cycling to my work is the farthest from home as I get these days and that I haven’t crossed the city borders for over a week. I hate it that there’s only a very narrow snow and ice-free strip available on the bicycle-paths and that you’ll for certain get stuck behind someone with a much slower pace because it’s impossible to pass by without falling over. I hate it when I have excavated our drive and one day later I can start all over again (and where, tell me where do I leave all those piles of removed snow? I have gathered enough snow to build an igloo and go Eskimo). It’s all so confining, but it’s so normal. It’s Winter! I guess people in Canada (or Russia! or Alaska! or Eskimo’s!) laugh their pants off when they’d hear us complain about the weather. A few inches of snow is peanuts compared to those who need a snow-plough to even be able to leave the house. Or build their house with it (for crying out loud).

Ah well…despite the icy bicycle paths, today I was still able to get home with two bags filled with thrifted treasuries. And one thing’s for sure: this Winter gives us the most beautiful sights since years. The Christmastree in our neighbour’s garden looks like it came straight walking from a fairytale. As long as I’m inside, next to the central heating, I guess I can still enjoy this season…

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