Between art and kitsch

That is a very lousy translation of the name of one of my favourite tv programmes. At Tussen kunst en kitsch (“Between art and kitsch”) people can get their old stuff valued. It’s so entertaining and recognizable seeing the excitement on peoples’ faces, hoping that the old painting they inherited from their great-great-grandfather is indeed worth millions…and that they finally have a good reason to get rid of the ugly thing and buy a new lounge suite. In tonight’s episode someone came up with a prototype of a Gerrit Rietveld chair. It was terribly worn out…and repainted. To be short: it looked like a scruffy old gardenchair, not like the masterpiece of an artist far ahead of his time. You could see the horror on the valuer’s face when asking the lady: “Why does this chair look so worn out, it’s a rare prototype! (For crying out loud woman!!)”. The woman replied: “We have four kids, what did you expect?”.

It’s exactly the feeling I get when finding a beautiful vintage piece: should I use it? Put it in the dishwasher, risking that it will get damaged, or worse, fall to pieces? Or should I just put it in my overloaded cupboard, look at it, caress it, smile at it? Such a dilemma!
I discovered this beautiful picture of a lovely little teapot at Ingthings’ photostream a while ago and I immediately fell in love with it (I mean, look at it! It’s so cute!). Guess what I found last week? I couldn’t believe my eyes: a complete set, a little bit worn out, but it just stood there waiting for me to take home. And I think I found the perfect way to use it but not to risk damaging it: with a couple of lovely flowers it will be the perfect vase. Three times hurray!
6 antwoorden
  1. Ingrid
    Ingrid zegt:

    hoera! wat een liefje he, het theepotje! wat leuk dat je het ook gevonden hebt. (ik heb de theepot met de appel van je banner ook, maar zonder deksel) Tussen kunst en kitsch is leuk, echt zo’n ‘het komt allemaal wel goed’ programma!


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