My Woonbeurs Adventure

Oeoeoeoe! I had such a wonderful day at the Woonbeurs, yesterday! This years 101 Woonideeën home was so beautiful decorated, and so very different from last year’s black and white stand. It’s atmosphere was very feminine and soft and I loved the herbarium with orchids in the kitchen (unfortunately I screwed up the pictures of it, so you’ll have to imagine how it looked ;-) I got so occupied with talking to people (and laughing with my neighbour) that I did take a short walk along the other Woonbeurs-stands but forgot to photographe them, so if you want to see more pictures take a look at MikoDesign’s blog here.

Marieke of Club Geluk was my neighbour for the day. She is such a funny person, I laughed my buns off (I’m notorious for my loud laugh, so everybody knew I was in the house, that’s a thing for sure). Marieke designs her own fabrics, you should really take a look at her store if you haven’t already done that. We made a swap at the end of the day, I am now the proud owner of a couple of her lovely items (a girl can always use more lovely items for her new home, can’t she?)

Well, I don’t want to end up only writing about how lovely and happy and yay-y everything was, but it was. The people that stopped by at our stand had such nice comments and everybody at the 101-stand was so kind, it was one big happiness wave (well, let’s not exaggerate…but it was fun). I might experience these kind of things heavier because of all our reconstructing work of the last couple of weeks, but I sure wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

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