Do you feel that?

…It’s the wind of change.

A while ago I met up again with a couple of creative ladies. This time we reviewed each other’s websites, which was very useful, for for me as a perfectionist it’s difficult to look at my own website and have an objective opinion about it (I suppose everybody with his own website experiences that). As I wrote before, my opinion about my work changes with the day, so if I would listen to my inner self, I would have a gothic themed blog today and a bright and happy one tomorrow. Waste of time. :-D

One of the important feedback I got was that my logo did not quite made clear what Planet Fur is about: one of a kind felt items to cheer up any place. So..I made a couple adjustments…and I’m even not that displeased with them ;-)

Now a little explanation to the logo in the picture: I’ve been invited to be at the Woonbeurs in Amsterdam to demonstrate my work at the ‘101 Woonideeën huis’ at Thursday the 30th of September. It’s such an honor, since 101 Woonideeën is one of my favourite Dutch design magazines. So, if you’re planning to pay the Woonbeurs a visit, you know were to find me!

5 antwoorden
  1. Marjolein
    Marjolein zegt:

    Wat een fantastische mogelijkheid: het 101 Woonideeën huis! Ik tref je helaas niet, ik ga dinsdag. Maar ik hoop dat ze misschien al wel wat van jouw spulletjes hebben als decoratie ofzo. Ik ben zo benieuwd hoe ze ‘in het echt’ zijn. Ik ben fan van jouw diertjes!


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