What the world needs now…

After seeing the Austin Powers International Man of Mystery movie, this songtitle got a whole new feeling, but for this post I just mean it like it once was written for: this world need love, loads of love. Sometimes your day gets brightened by sweet gestures, like the day that I received these lovely vintage pot-holders from Ingrid of Ingthings. I wanted to sent her something back to thank her, but instead she replied she just likes it to surprise people with nice presents..and surely did not want something in return. Well, the least I can do is write something about this sweet lady and her lovely, lovely blog. I love the way she writes about everyday life. Her blog is in Dutch, but is sure worth watching, she makes beautiful pictures too!

3 antwoorden
  1. Ingrid
    Ingrid zegt:

    Hallo Marlous, echt zo leuk je stukje, ik was gewoon ontroerd, (kan het niet helpen).
    Heel erg bedankt voor je lieve woorden!
    Dit is nou precies waarom ik van ‘geven’ hou.
    Het genoegen van het lezen van de blog is overigens wederzijds. Hartelijke groet Ingrid(ingthings)

    PS; Ik heb een vertaal button op mijn blog,zodat iedereen het kan lezen (die wil)


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